Gaming Zone


Gaming Zone
11 Nov 2022

Gaming Zone

20 November - 4 December

Weekdays: 5:00PM - 9:00PM
Weekends: 3:00PM - 10:00PM

Promotional web banner for Circle Mall events.


Visit Circle Mall’s gaming zone located on the first floor for access to play some of the world’s most popular games, Legend of Tomorrow, Fortnite and PUBG.
Visitors who spend AED 150 at the mall can also take part in the football tournaments on the weekends of 25 to 27 November and 2 to 4 December from 4 pm to 10 pm.
Winners will walk away with amazing prizes, including a PlayStation console, headsets and a PlayStation gift card.


Football Tournament

Spend AED 150 across the mall and enjoy free games and activities for your child

5:00PM – 10:00PM (Weekends only)


Terms & Conditions



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